August and September 2024 Chair Report

The local DEM headquarters has seen a burst of activity beyond what we could possibly have hoped for in the eight weeks since Kamala announced,

We scrambled to have two shifts of two people a day and now we just expanded to three people per shift. All this to orient new prospects for activism while joyously hailing our returning activists that I like to characterize as: “coming in from the cold.”

This unprecedented and highly emotional surge is the combined result of these fundamentals:

  1. great candidates, 

  2. being open year around,

  3. deep follow up of people who don’t care about the local DEM party until they know the local party cares about them.

We have built this engine by engaging people well beyond just telling them how to vote and asking them for money. We built it by taking seriously the Democratic Party motto: “Forever Organizing.” 

From our recent record-breaking fundraiser to our volunteer party held the same month, the goal is always to deepen relationships with people as individuals in ways that truly know them.

The days ahead will be fraught, but we believe in the innate goodness of this community and the bi-partisan way in which we have always governed ourselves when it really mattered.

The MAGA aberration will pass. Calm and the rule of law will prevail. We are all Americans living in a nation of doers, not complainers. 

Let us remember the words of Winston Churchill who was instrumental in preserving the values of the enlightenment in a dark time just 85 years ago: “In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, in Peace: Good Will.”

Keep the peace out there my friends on both sides of the isle. Defend Democracy, our freedoms and the planet.


Balance of Power in the Senate


Getting to Know Kamala Harris