Proud to stand for democratic values in Northern California
It’s good to have a purpose.
The Nevada County Democrats were formed to advocate for and inform citizens about the principles and philosophy of the Democratic Party, charter and assist local Democratic clubs, and provide assistance to the California Democratic Party in electing candidates for local, state and federal offices.
Our officers and committee chairs earn no salaries and we do not receive any state subsidies.
That’s right, we are 100% volunteer and 100% donation based!
Our Officers
Steve Hurley - Chair
Eric Robins - First Vice Chair
Ronda Trujillo - Second Vice Chair
Caroline Wright - Controller
Margaret Joehnck - Recording Secretary
Noga Wizanski - Corresponding Secretary
Our Bylaws and Resolutions
We believe in transparency. How we operate, our purpose, and decision making process should be available to all. That’s why our bylaws and resolutions are publicly published for your easy access.
Our Values
Constitutional Rights & Protections
Democrats fight to protect what is guaranteed to you by the Bill of Rights. All peoples and groups deserve equal protection under the law, whether they be women, people of color, LGBTQ, or otherwise.
Justice Reform
Our criminal justice system does not treat everyone equally. Democrats work to combat this institutional racism, be it the unjustified shootings of black people, racial profiling of latinx people, or the courts handing down disproportionate sentences to minorities.
Representation for All
We work to raise the voices of those less represented in the political process. We believe in the power of diversity of opinion and perspective, which helps protect the marginalized but also benefits all of society through increased creativity and ingenuity.
Jobs and Prosperity
Economies can be both open and fair. America should engage economically with the world to encourage global prosperity, while working to support those affected by job loss and de-industrialization through retraining and economic stimulus.
Fair Wages & Taxation
We believe in equal pay for women and minorities, and a living wage for all full-time workers. Additionally all members of our society must pay their fair share of taxes, so that all may prosper.
Protect and Strengthen the Safety Net
Those less able to support themselves, be it temporary or long-term, deserve dignity and well being as much as anyone. We will fight to protect programs that support those less fortunate than ourselves.
Democrats must work at all levels to repair the damage done to our ecosystems. Locally, we believe in the restoration of our meadows and waterways, and promote water conservation efforts.
Sustainable Prosperity
Environmental protection and economic growth can go hand in hand. Through training, innovative technologies, and an eye towards sustainability, we can foster prosperity and maintain the beauty and health of our landscapes.
Equal Participation
We realize that not everyone has an equal voice at the table, and as such actively listen to native peoples, the poor, and others most impacted by environmental issues.