Nevada County Democratic Central Committee Bylaws
Table of Contents
ARTICLE I: Name, Organization, and Mission
ARTICLE II: Membership
ARTICLE IV: Officers
ARTICLE V: Duties and Responsibilities of Standing Committee
ARTICLE VI: Executive Board
ARTICLE IX: Removal of Elected Members and Officers
ARTICLE X: Committees and Task Forces
ARTICLE XII: Resolutions
ARTICLE XIV: Rules of Conduct
ARTICLE XV: Endorsements in Local Races
ARTICLE XVI: Club Accreditation
ARTICLE XVII: Severability
ARTICLE XVIII: Amendment of These Bylaws
ARTICLE I: Name, Organization, and Purpose
I.A The name of this organization shall be the Nevada County Democratic Central Committee (NCDCC) and it shall serve as the official Democratic Party organization in Nevada County.
I.B NCDCC all voting members shall hold four-year terms of office, commencing with the first meeting in January following the election of members at the Primary Election in Presidential election years, convened according to Article VI.G of these By-laws. NCDCC’s primary members are chosen in the Primary Election of Presidential election years. Other members shall be appointed or selected as prescribed in Article II.
I.C The mission of NCDCC is to protect democracy, our freedoms, and the planet.
I.C.1 We inform citizens about the principles and philosophy of the Democratic Party;
I.C.2 We elect Democratic candidates;
I.C.3 We endorse Democrats in Nevada County for local offices;
I.C.4 We provide assistance to the California Democratic Party in electing candidates for local, state and federal offices;
I.C.5 We charter and assist local Democratic clubs;
I.C.6 We register Democrats to vote;
I.C.7. We raise funds for endorsed Democratic candidates; and
I.C.8 We elect members from Nevada County to the Central Committee of the California Democratic Party.
ARTICLE II: Membership
The membership of NCDCC shall consist of the following persons who are registered to vote as Democrats in Nevada County.
II.A Primary Members: Nevada County Central Committee members shall be elected by supervisorial districts. The number from each supervisorial district and the manner of their election shall be as prescribed by the California Elections Code. If there are vacancies in the prescribed number of seats, the Chair may appoint registered Democrats to fill the vacancies with the approval of the NCDCC.
II. B Primary Members are encouraged to:
II.B.1 Attend the central committee meetings once a month on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
II.B.2 Contact the chair if you can’t attend because of illness or out of town and ask a proxy to attend.
II.B.3 Pay $25 a year in dues prior to the March meeting of each year.
II.B.4 Serve on a standing and/or ad hoc committee.
II.B.5 Take a turn at the fair booth and/or any other tabling.
II.B.6 Attend the fundraisers.
II.C.7 Attend other DCC sponsored activities as you are able.
II.B Ex-Officio Members: The following persons are Ex-Officio members of the Central Committee if they are registered to vote in Nevada County and are otherwise not a member:
II.B.1 The top vote-getting Democratic candidate in each election for State or National office;
II.B.2 Each member of the Democratic National Committee;
II.B.3 The Regional Director of the California Democratic Party.
II.C Secondary Members: Secondary members of the Central Committee shall be chosen as follows: Each Primary and Ex-Officio member should appoint a secondary member. who resides in the same district. In the event of a vacancy in the secondary position, the primary member shall have 30 days to appoint a substitute. If he or she fails to do so within that time, the Chair may make the appointment with consultation with the other members from that district.
II.C.1 Secondary Members are encouraged to:
II.C.a Attend the central committee meeting once a month on the 3rd Thursday of the month. They are voting members of this body.
II.C.b Are encouraged to serve on a standing and/or an ad hoc committee if able.
II.C.c Participate in any other DCC sponsored activities as you are able.
II.C.d Pay the $25 dues in order to vote.
II.D Associate Members: The following persons shall be Associate Members of the Central Committee:
II.D.1 Club Members: One member from each Club chartered by the Central Committee who is not otherwise a member of the NCDCC shall be chosen by that Club to be an Associate Member.
II.D.2 State Central Committee Members and Elected Officeholders: Each member of the Central Committee of the California Democratic Party (AD delegates) and any registered Democrat who holds an elected office in Nevada County, excluding judicial offices, who is not otherwise a member, shall be an Associate Member.
II.E Publication of vacant positions on the NCDCC will be in the footnote of the regularly scheduled newsletter and announcements. Prior to the actual election of DCC members during the presidential election primary, information about that process will be in the regularly scheduled newsletter and announcements in an article beginning three months before the filing deadline." Information about vacancies and the qualification and selection procedure for membership and officers’ elections will be posted on our website, as well as the formal election procedure every four years.
III.A Primary, Ex-Officio Members/Alternates and Secondary members are voting members of NCDCC.
III.B Proxies may be designated by voting members, as follows:
III.B.1 Notice electronically transmitted for a specific meeting of NCDCC to the Recording Secretary or the Chair prior to or during the NCDCC meeting in which the proxy is to be exercised.
III.B.2 The proxy can be given to any registered Democrat who is a resident of Nevada County in the same supervisorial district as the member giving the proxy.
III.B.3 Secondary members are encouraged to appoint a proxy if they will be absent from a meeting.
III.F No endorsement vote on candidates or resolutions shall be taken by secret ballot .
III.G The central committee is prohibited from endorsing candidates for county committees.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
The officers of NCDCC, known as the Executive Board, are responsible for performing the normal functions usually assigned to their respective offices as well as duties which from time to time may be assigned by the Chair, Executive Board, or NCDCC:
IV.A Nomination of Officers
IV.A.1 Nominations of officers of the NCDCC will be taken every other year at the November meeting of the NCDCC (November of even numbered years).
IV.A.1.a In September of the even numbered year of the term, the Chair shall appoint a Nominations Committee of three members subject to approval of the Executive Board.
IV.A.1.b The Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate of officer candidates and announce it at the November meeting.
IV.A.1.c Following the reading of the Nominations Committee slate, other nominations may be taken from the floor.
IV.A.1.d Officers must be voting members of the NCDCC.
IV.A.2 The following officers shall be nominated:
IV.A.2.a Chair
IV.A.2.b First Vice Chair
IV.A.2.c Second Vice Chair
IV.A.2.d Recording Secretary
IV.A.2.e Controller
IV.B Election of Officers
IV.B.1 The election of officers will be taken at the organizational meeting of the NCDCC (January of odd numbered years).
IV.B.1.a Additional nominations may be made at the organizational meeting.
IV.B.1.b If more than one person is running for any position, a vote will be taken by written ballot. A nominee must receive more than 50% of the total of members voting to be elected. In the event no nominee receives more than 50% of the votes, a “run-off” ballot vote between the two highest vote getters will take place immediately following the first vote.
IV.B.1.d The new officers will be announced at the end of the vote and will take office at the organizational meeting.
IV.C The following five committee chairs shall be appointed as described below in Article IV, section D:
IV.C.1 Outreach Events Committee Chair
IV.C.2 Fundraising Committee Chair
IV.C.3 GOTV Committee Chair
IV.C.4 Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee Chair
IV.C.5 Communications Committee Chair
IV.D. Appointment of Standing Committee Chairs
IV.D.1 At the first meeting after the organizational meeting of NCDCC (February meeting of odd numbered years) the Chair shall present a slate of candidates, one candidate for each of the five committee chair positions.
IV.D.2 A motion shall then be made that the slate be nominated for appointment to the five open committee chair positions.
IV.D.3 Additional nominations may be made from the floor.
IV.D.4 If more than one person is nominated for any of the chair positions, a vote will be taken by ballot. A nominee must receive more than 50% of the total of members voting to be elected. In the event no nominee receives more than 50% of the votes, a “run-off” ballot vote between the two highest vote getters will take place immediately following the first vote.
IV.E Duties, Responsibilities, and Powers
The duties, responsibilities, and powers of the Executive Officers and the Standing Committee Chairs shall be as provided for as follows:
IV.E.1 Chair
IV.E.1.a To act as presiding officer at meetings of the NCDCC and Executive Board;
IV.E.1.b To act as the Administrator and Executive Officer of the NCDCC;
IV.E.1.c To supervise the other Executive Officers and Committee Chairs of the NCDCC to ensure job performance;
IV.E.1.d To delegate and assign duties and responsibilities in accordance with these Bylaws;
IV.E.1.e To mediate and settle disputes among other Executive Officers regarding duties, powers, and areas of responsibility;
IV.E.1.f To carry out the duly enacted policies of the NCDCC;
IV.E.1.g To be the spokesperson for the NCDCC; and
IV.F.1.h To serve as liaison to the clubs and other entities.
IV.E.1.i The Chair shall be a member of all Committees.
IV.E.2 First Vice Chair
IV.E.2.a To assist the Chair in the performance of duties and to serve in the absence of the Chair;
IV.E.2.b To periodically check in with the members and alternates to assess their satisfaction with their involvement and facilitate adjustments as necessary;
IV.E.2.c To regularly monitor the attendance of voting members of the NCDCC and to report on their attendance to the Executive Board with recommendations;
IV.E.2.d To conduct periodic orientations to familiarize officers and other interested Democrats with NCDCC organizations, policies, goals, and objectives;
IV.E.2.e To orient new members regarding NCDCC structure, roles, policies and procedures;
lV.E.2.g To keep the membership roll updated and inform the chair of vacancies; and
IV.E.2.h to keep a list of proxies, by district, to assist members in finding them;
IV.E.2.j The First Vice Chair shall be a member of a committee.
IV.E.3 Second Vice Chair
IV.E.3.a To serve as Chair if both the Chair and the First Vice Chair are absent: and
IV.E.3.b To conduct special projects assigned by the Chair.
IV.E.3.c The Second Vice Chair shall be a member of a committee.
IV.E.4. Recording Secretary
IV.E.4.a To take minutes of NCDCC and Executive Board meetings.
IV.E.4.b To maintain an up-to-date archive of NCDCC records, including Bylaws, rules of procedure, minutes, reports, resolutions and motions enacted at all meetings;
IV.E.4.c To make recommendations on proposed motions with regard to style, syntax, and uniformity to other enacted motions; and
IV.E.4.d To provide copies of meeting minutes or reports to the NCDCC membership.
IV.E.4.e The Recording Secretary shall be a member of a committee.
IV.E.5 Controller
IV.E.5.a To serve as chief fiscal officer of the NCDCC funds and to make fiscal recommendations regarding expenditures, allocations, fundraising, and custodianship of funds.
IV.E.5.b To provide the Chair and the NCDCC with estimates of various overhead and other costs; and
IV.E.5.c To make monthly reports on the status of all NCDCC accounts;
IV.E.65.d To prepare the annual budget and supervise expenditures under that budget;
IV.E.5.e To assure the filing of government required reports either directly or through a professional treasurer;
IV.E.5.f To report to the chair and recording secretary prior to the March meeting of each year and thereafter until everyone has paid which of the members and alternates have paid their dues so the chair and recording secretary will know who is eligible to vote; and
IV.E.5.g The Controller is a member of the Fundraising Committee.
IV.G. Additional Appointments. The following officers may be appointed by the County hair and approved by the Executive Board:
IV.G. 1 Parliamentarian
IV.G. 2 Historian
ARTICLE V: Duties and Responsibilities of Standing Committees
V.A.1 GOTV Committee:
V.A.1.a To be responsible for the overall operation of the headquarters including scheduling, assigning office tasks, keeping up bulletin boards and cleaning;
VA.1.b To coordinate the purchase, use and maintenance of equipment, supplies, swag, etc., as directed by the Chair and/or the Executive Board;
V.A.c To be responsible for the data base maintenance needs of the NCDCC and collect names at all events;
IV.A.1.d To involve volunteers in the promotion of the work of the NCDCC, including membership, committees, and events
V.A.1.e To establish & oversee the GOTV sub-committee which includes phone banking, voter registration, neighborhood organizing and other such programs;
V.A.1.f To coordinate the establishment and maintenance of an on-going network of Democratic volunteers;
V.A.1.g to write thank you notes.
V.F.2 Fundraising Committee:
V.F.2.a To plan and execute fundraising events and drives.
V.F.2.b To write thank you notes.
V.F.3 Communications Committee
V.F.3.a Coordinate all communications efforts such as websites, email, blogs, television, radio and news media;
V.F.3.b To provide a monthly newsletter; and
V.F.3.c To write thank you notes.
V.F.4 Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee
V.F.4.a To facilitate the recruitment of Democratic candidates for all elective offices in Nevada County;
V.F.4.b To facilitate the appointment of Democrats to Boards and Commissions;
V.F.4.c To serve as liaison between the NCDCC and all Democratic office-holders in Nevada County;
V.F.4.d To provide the Chair with the list of elected offices to be filled in the upcoming election cycle and to keep the NCDCC apprised of whom has filed to run in those races;
V.F.4.e To conduct the endorsement process as stated in Article XIV; and
V.F.4.f To assist endorsed candidates by recommending financial support to the executive committee for final approval by the central committee.
V.F.5 Outreach Events Committee
V.F.5.a To be responsible for coordinating our efforts at the county fair, street fairs, parades, educational forums and other such events;
V.F.5.b To promote activism within constituent groups such as youth, young adults, and seniors; and
V.F.5.c To reach out to Nevada County high school government teachers to offer to give presentations; and
V.F.5.d To write thank you notes.
V.F.6 Enablement
IV.F.6.a. Each committee shall perform its duties as prescribed, through appropriate activity, delegation, or as directed by the Chair, Executive Board and/or Central Committee.
IV.F.6.b. Except where otherwise provided, each committee chair shall report their relevant activities to the full NCDCC monthly for review and approval.
ARTICLE VI: Executive Board
VI.A The Executive Board consists of the following as voting members: the five elected officers of NCDCC; may include the chairs of the five standing committees Outreach Events Committee, Fundraising Committee, Get Out the Vote Committee, Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee, and Communications Committee when they attend; and as non-voting members, the two appointed officers, the parliamentarian and the historian.
VI.B. The Executive Board meets prior to each monthly meeting of NCDCC to set a proposed agenda for the NCDCC meeting and at such other times as may be necessary to carry out the work of the Democratic Party between NCDCC meetings at the call of the Chair or by request of a majority of the voting members of the Executive Board.
VI.C The Executive Board acts on behalf of NCDCC between NCDCC meetings.
VI.D. The quorum of the Executive Board is a simple majority of its elected office members, excluding vacancies.
VI.E The Chair is the chair of the Executive Board.
VI.F All members of the Executive Board are encouraged to appoint an Alternate. Officer alternates can be any DCC member and chair Alternates should be members of their committee. Alternates will have full voting rights when serving in an executive board meeting. The Chair should be notified by the member when their Alternate will be attending an executive board meeting in their stead.
VII.A Meetings of NCDCC are open to the public, although closed sessions can be held to discuss campaign strategies and personnel matters. Every reasonable opportunity shall be given for any attendee to be heard. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded and sent to all members that are current in their dues.
VII.B Special meetings may be called by the Chair, by majority of the Executive Board, or by petition of twelve voting members of NCDCC. Notice of special meetings shall be sent to all NCDCC members who are current in their dues no fewer than five days prior to the meeting and shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the nature of the business to be conducted. No other business shall be conducted at that meeting.
VII.C A quorum for NCDCC meetings shall be 12 voting members.
VII.D In the absence of the Chair, the presiding officer shall be the First Vice Chair. In the absence of both the Chair and the First Vice Chair, the Second Vice Chair shall preside. In the absence of all three chairs, the Secretary shall act as Chair.
VII.E The Parliamentarian shall advise the Chair on parliamentary inquiries and points of order as requested by the Chair.
VII.F The NCDCC shall reorganize at its first meeting in January of odd-numbered years. Such meeting shall be conducted as follows:
VII.F.1 The outgoing elected officers shall preside until new officers are elected;
VII.F.2 If a county elections official or outgoing chair is present, newly elected members shall take their oaths of office immediately. If not, they will do so at the next meeting when an authorized person is available;
VII.F.3 Outgoing officers, chairs, and others shall give their reports as usual;
VII.F.4 The following items shall be conducted as New Business, in this order:
VII.F.4.a Filling of vacancies in the NCDCC;
VII.F.4.b Election of officers of NCDCC;
VII.F.4.c Call for accreditation of clubs;
VII.F.4.d Election of delegates to the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC members) by adhering to the Equal Division Rule who shall be members of the county central committee as of the date of the first regular meeting of the California Democratic party.
VII.F.4.e Formation of a Bylaws Review Committee. The Committee shall report back at a future meeting with an overall bylaws revision as specified in Article XVII;
VII.F.4.f Any other business that shall properly come before NCDCC.
VII.F.5 Notice of the organizational meeting shall be given to all incoming members of NCDCC and to all outgoing members who are current in their dues, no fewer than ten days in advance of the meeting. Such notice shall include the time, location, and tentative proposed agenda for the meeting.
VIII.A Vacancies among the Primary Members of NCDCC shall be announced at a regular monthly meeting of NCDCC and shall be filled after making appropriate community outreach, including to Democratic Clubs and affinity groups. The chair will interview and nominate one per opening to be voted on by the full central committee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the NCDCC meeting at which the vacancy or vacancies are to be filled. The candidates for membership shall be elected by majority vote.
VIII.B Vacancies in the Secondary membership category shall be filled by the appointed Regular members. If those people have not done so within 30 days the chair may interview and nominate a replacement to be voted on by the central committee.
VIII.C Vacancies in the officer positions of Chair, First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, Controller and DSCC members shall be filled by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a regular or special meeting of NCDCC.
VIII.D In the event of a vacancy in any other officer position, the Chair may designate another officer to assume the duties and responsibilities of the vacant position until such time as the vacancy is filled.
VIII.E In the event of a vacancy in any of the Committee Chair positions, the Chair shall appoint a person to fill the vacant position for the remainder of the term with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.
VIII.F In the event of a vacancy in any other officer position, the Chair may designate another officer to assume the duties and responsibilities of the vacant position until such time as the vacancy is filled.
VIII.G Vacancies in appointed officer positions shall be filled by the Chair and approved by the Executive Board.
VIII.H Elections to vacant positions must be placed on the agenda of a regular monthly meeting or a special meeting.
ARTICLE IX: Removal of Elected Members , Officers and DSCC members
IX.A Members shall be removed from NCDCC as provided by Article XIII, Section G, of these bylaws.
IX.B Members may be removed from office if not excused, present in person or through representation by a duly appointed proxy for three consecutive regular monthly meetings of NCDCC in a calendar year.
IX.C Members may be removed from office for misconduct provided that the member whose removal is being is sent written notice no fewer than ten days prior to a hearing specifying the charges and the time and place of the hearing. The member shall have the right to be heard and to call witnesses to testify on his or her behalf.
IX.D A hearing for removal of a member shall be placed on the agenda of a regular or special meeting of NCDCC. A two-thirds majority vote of voting members and alternates present is required for removal.
IX.E The Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary, Controller and DSCC members may be removed for cause from office by a two-thirds majority of the voting members and alternates present at a regular monthly meeting of NCDCC, provided that written notice shall have been sent to every member of NCDCC no fewer than ten days prior to the meeting at which the matter is proposed. The individual involved shall have the right to be heard at the meeting and to call witnesses to testify on his or her behalf.
IX.F Any committee chair can be removed for cause by the Chair with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board, provided that the committee chair is given ten days written notice of the reasons for removal and provided with an opportunity to be heard by the Executive Board prior to a removal vote.
ARTICLE X: Committees and Task Forces
X.A Any registered Democrat, or any person who declares in writing that he or she will register as a Democrat immediately upon becoming eligible to register to vote, residing in Nevada County, may be appointed by the Chair as a member of any Standing Committee, Ad hoc Committee, or Task Force of NCDCC, with full voting rights in the deliberations of that body.
X.B Committees and Task Forces shall be created for specific needs of NCDCC or the Democratic Party by the Chair, the Executive Board, or NCDCC.
X.C The Chair is a member of every subordinate body of NCDCC.
XI.A The internal business of the NCDCC shall be done according to Rosenberg’s Rules of Order and recorded as motions. Roberts Rules of Order will be used as a backup in situations where Rosenburg’s Rules are silent. At a request from any voting member, a roll call vote shall be taken.
XI.B To be enacted, motions must receive a majority vote of members voting.
ARTICLE XII: Resolutions
XII.A. Resolutions must be introduced in writing at a regular or special meeting by a voting member of the NCDCC.
XII.B Resolutions shall be given a second reading at a subsequent regular or special meeting no less than fifteen days following the introduction of the resolution.
XII.C A simple majority of members present and voting at the second reading of the resolution is required for passage.
XII.D Because of timeliness, resolutions may be placed on the agenda for consideration by NCDCC as an Emergency Resolution by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. A simple majority vote of members present and voting is required for passage.
XII.E A duly approved resolution shall be appropriately titled and entered into the minutes of NCDCC.
XII.F Resolutions will take a form suitable for the audience for which it is intended.
XIII.A Regular dues for all voting members, excluding ex-officio members and shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) per year.
XIII.B. If a voting member is unable to pay dues because of legitimate hardship, the person may confidentially discuss the matter with the Chair requesting the Chair reduce or waive the dues. The decision of the Chair shall be final.
XIII.B. Each Member shall pay the prescribed dues by the third meeting of each year or the third meeting after becoming a member.
XIII.C. Dues are not refundable.
XIII.E. Voting members who are not current in dues and have not received a waiver shall be included in the report of the Controller at regular monthly meetings of the NCDCC.
XIII.F Voting Members who are delinquent in dues payment and have not received a waiver shall lose all voting rights in NCDCC until they become current in the payment of their dues.
XIII.G Voting Members who have not paid their dues and have not received a waiver, may be removed from NCDCC with ten days written notice by a vote of the NCDCC.
ARTICLE XIV: Rules of Conduct
XIV.A Any other item not covered in these Bylaws or motion enacted under these Bylaws or Bylaws of the California Democratic Party or National Democratic Party shall be governed by the latest issue of Rosenburg’s Rules of Order, with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, as a backup on issues not covered in Rosenburg’s Rules.
XIV.B The democratic process assumes that decisions made with a majority vote are respectfully honored and faithfully acted upon.
XIV.C Official business conducted by the NCDCC shall be recorded in its general and committee meeting minutes and/or reports.
XIV.E. Transmitting information by e-mail shall be considered the equivalent of written notification, mailed notification, and any similar method of distributing information. It is the responsibility of the members to notify the chair and secretary. The membe rmay drop out of our email system at any time.
ARTICLE XV: Endorsements in Local Races
XV.A Criteria for Candidates
XV.A.1 The candidate must be a currently registered Democrat and file an endorsement application/questionnaire and a signed NCDCC Code of Fair Campaign Practices with the Chair of the NCDCC Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee by the specified deadline on the application/questionnaire. At any time during this process prior to the actual vote by the NCDCC, a candidate may revoke his/her request for endorsement.
X.A.2 Endorsements shall not be given to more candidates than there are seats open for the office in question.
XV.A.3 NCDCC shall make no form of endorsement other than an official endorsement as expressly described in these By-Laws.
XV.A.4 No vote on endorsement shall be taken by secret ballot.
XV.B Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee’s Role
XV.B.1 The Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee will:
XV.B.2 Develop an application/questionnaire for all Democratic candidates in all targeted local races. The questionnaire must ask the candidate:
Name, address, work and home phone numbers
Why they believe that they should receive the endorsement
Their past or present experience related to the office they seek
Their activities as a Democrat
Their campaign organization
Their positions on relevant issues
XV.B.3 The Chair should send an application/questionnaire and an NCDCC Code of Fair Campaign Practices to all declared Democratic candidates in targeted local races in the Nevada County area within 30 days of the announcement of candidacy.
XV.B.4 The chair will send the application/questionnaire and an NCDCC Code of Fair Campaign Practices to all remaining Democratic Candidates in targeted local races within 5 days after the final filing deadline.
XV.B.5 Candidates should apply for endorsement no later than sixty days before the election.
XV.B.6 The Chair of the Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee or his or her designee shall be responsible for working with clubs in matters concerning endorsements.
XV.B.7 The Chair of the Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee will provide support to the Endorsement Committee and during the NCDCC endorsement meetings.
XV.B.8 The Chair of the Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee will contact the candidates, send the candidates each a questionnaire, and set up an interview for the candidate with the Endorsement Committee.
XV.B.9 The Chair of the Candidate Recruitment and Support committee will notify all members of the NCDCC of the interview dates and that they may attend as observers.
XV.E Endorsement Committee Roles
XV.E.1. The Endorsement Committee shall be composed the Executive Board of the NCDCC and one member of each Chartered Club.
XV.E.2 An Endorsement Committee member who is also a paid campaign staff member shall excuse him- or herself from interviewing candidates in that particular race.
XV.E.3 After completion of the application and interview process, the Endorsement Committee shall provide a recommendation to the NCDCC in the form of a motion. Endorsements will be finalized by a majority vote of the Regular members attending the meeting.
XV.E.4 Early Endorsement
XV.E.4.a Early endorsements may be requested by a candidate early as 9 months before their election takes place.
XV.E.4.b Early endorsements requires a higher standard for the candidate to meet in terms of the early progress on their campaign, electability, qualifications, etc. The Endorsement Committee must vote by a 2/3 majority for the early endorsement. The rest of the process is the same as above.
XV.E.4.c Lack of early endorsement does not preclude eventual endorsement.
XV.F NCDCC Endorsement
XV.F.1 The time and place of the NCDCC endorsement meeting will be announced in writing to each voting member of the NCDCC no less than five (5) days before the regular or special meeting at which such endorsements are to be considered.
XV.F.2 The NCDCC shall only endorse one candidate per seat.
XV.F.2. The NCDCC shall meet to decide on all endorsements prior to forty five (45) days prior to the election, when practical. The Chair may call a special meeting or meetings to provide for endorsement decisions.
XV.F.5 Endorsement requires a simple majority of those Regular members present and voting. Once a candidate has been endorsed, no other candidates may be considered for endorsement for that seat unless the endorsement has been revoked.
XV.F.6 The NCDCC shall not lend nor provide its name or campaign assistance to non-endorsed candidates. Statutory or accredited Democratic organizations shall be encouraged not to and the NCDCC expects that they shall not, lend or provide their name or campaign assistance to non-endorsed candidates.
XV.F.7. The NCDCC may reconsider any endorsement action taken at any time.
XV.F.7.a An endorsement may be revoked if the candidate violates the Code of Fair Campaign Practices. The Executive Board shall review any complaints about a Code of Fair Campaign Practices violation. If the Executive Board agrees that there may be a violation, it shall recommend revocation to the NCDCC. The NCDCC shall make the final decision to revoke an endorsement by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. If time does not permit, the Executive Board will make the decision.
XV.F.7.b An endorsement may be revoked in the event of the death or resignation of the candidate, falsification of information, or conviction of a felony.
XV.F.7.c In the event endorsed candidates have their endorsements revoked, they must cease the use of any promotional material that includes a reference to an endorsement by the NCDCC.
XV.F.8 Fast Track for Sole Democrats: After the close of filing in the case of a race for which the number of Democratic candidates does not exceed the number of seats, the Chair of the Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee may place the name(s) of one or more of these candidates before the NCDCC for endorsement without requiring a questionnaire or an interview.
XV.F.8.a The names of all such "Sole Democrats" shall be voted on at the next regular meeting of the NCDCC by majority vote of those members present and voting.
XV.G Once endorsements are made, all assistance to competing candidates will cease. Until such time, the NCDCC will work with candidates by publicizing his/her events, publishing materials, and using information from our database. All candidates for the same office will be offered the same assistance.
XV.H California Democratic Party
XV.H.1 designation of endorsed shall carry the weight of the California Democratic Party (CDP) and means:
XVH.1.a That the NCDCC may publicize such endorsements;
XV.H.1.b That the endorsed candidate has the authority to publicize such endorsement as he or she chooses; and
XV.H.1.c That the endorsed candidate shall be given other campaign assistance as the NCDCC deems appropriate. Statutory or accredited Democratic organizations shall be encouraged to and the NCDCC expects that they shall lend or provide their name or campaign assistance to endorsed candidates.
XV.G. Club Endorsement of Candidates
XV.G.1 Clubs may endorse candidates in federal and state elections using their own endorsement procedures during primary elections.
XV.G.2 The NCDCC believes that the Democratic Party is strengthened when it speaks with a single voice. Thus, for local candidates, clubs are asked to appoint a member to serve on the NCDCC Endorsement Committee. Clubs are expected to support the endorsements of candidates by the NCDCC.
XV.G.3 Clubs may not endorse another candidate in the local contests in which the NCDCC has endorsed candidates. In all cases, should a club endorse a candidate, the club must have and use open, democratic and agreed upon endorsement procedures.
ARTICLE XVI: Club Accreditation
XVI.A. Scope, Enabling Authority, and Definitions
XVI.A.1 The NCDCC is the primary accrediting authority for the Democratic Clubs in Nevada County.
XVI.A.5. A Democratic Club, as defined by this article, is a local organization which supports Democratic Party candidates and principles.
XVI.A.6. The Chair or his or her designee will be responsible for seeing that Democratic Clubs are properly accredited, should encourage the formation of clubs and will act as liaison between the NCDCC and the Clubs.
XVI.B. Procedures for Accreditation
XVI.B.1. Chartered Democratic Clubs can be of any size.
XVI.B.2. Democratic Clubs in Nevada County must consider any registered Democrat residing in Nevada County as eligible for membership or as an associate member.
XVI.B.3. To be eligible for accreditation, a club must submit the following documents to the Chair:
XVI.B.3.a. A membership list of registered Democrats residing in Nevada County who designate this as their primary club, which shall include their respective residence, Supervisorial District and Congressional District;
XVI.B.3.b. A set of current bylaws;
XVI.B.3.c. A list of current officers;
XVI.B.3.d A financial statement indicating membership support for the club; and
XVI.B.3.e. Documentation of ongoing programs;
XVI.B.4. Clubs shall submit the same information annually to the Chair.
XV1.B.5 The Chair shall introduce a motion to accredit a prospective club at a regular meeting of the NCDCC. Accreditation must be approved by a majority of the voting members present.
XVI.B.6 Once accredited, the Club President shall provide the Regional Director with club membership list. The clubs are responsible for continuous updating of their membership lists. This provision applies when it is not in conflict with club bylaws preserving member privacy.
XV1.B.7 A Democratic club is organized for the purpose of strengthening the Democratic Party and will never endorse a candidate other than a Democrat, or a No Party Preference candidate when there is no registered Democrat running in a contest.
XV1.B.8 The Chair or his or her designee shall work with clubs to see that they fulfill their obligations to the NCDCC and the California State Democratic Party.
XVI.C. Publications Accredited Democratic Clubs are encouraged to patronize union shop printers for all publications, stationery, and leaflets. The Chair of the NCDCC or his or her appointee shall be responsible for working with union printers to develop Democratic Club rates whenever possible.
XVI.D. Sanctions The Chair or his or her appointee shall be responsible for advising the NCDCC when an accredited club is in violation of these articles. An affirmative vote of sixty percent (60%) of the voting members of the NCDCC at a regular meeting is necessary to remove a club's accreditation.
ARTICLE XVII: Severability
The invalidation of any section of these Bylaws or of any NCDCC internal legislation, by California State Law or Bylaws of the California Democratic Party or National Democratic Party shall not affect the validity of any other item or section of these Bylaws or any other NCDCC internal legislation.
ARTICLE XVIII: Amendment of These Bylaws
XVIII.A The NCDCC shall review its Bylaws in each term of office. A simple majority of voting members present at a regular meeting of the NCDCC is required to approve the first overall Bylaws revision in each term of office. Notice of the proposed Bylaws revision shall be sent to all members of the NCDCC no fewer than five (5) days prior to the meeting at which the Bylaws revision is to be considered.
XVIII.B Any other amendment shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present either at a regular or special meeting of the NCDCC, provided that the notice requirements above have been met.
Adopted by NCDCC, 19 November 1998.
Revisions proposed by the Ad-Hoc Bylaws Committee, 18 November, 2004.
Amended by NCDCC to permit preferential voting.
Amended by NCDCC to change names of certain chairs, to permit preference voting in more cases
Amended by NCDCC to add Regional Chair Members.
Amended by NCDCC to provide for dues
Amended by NCDCC to give Regional Chair Members voting rights.
Amended by NCDCC to add Article VI.G on reorganization
Amended by NCDCC to allow DNC and Regional Chair Members to appoint alternates
Amended by NCDCC to add rules for non-partisan endorsements.
Amended by NCDCC to clarify club chartering requirements.
Amended by NCDCC to restructure the chairships
Amended by NCDCC to allow DNC and Regional Chair Members to appoint proxies and associates.
Amended by NCDCC to allow Voting Members to appoint both a Primary and a Secondary Alternate
Amended by NCDCC to allow Clubs to have associate members, prohibit secret ballots, specify email as acceptable communication, refine quorum requirement and vote required to remove an elected member. Also, other cleanup of the bylaws, including addition of Articles pertaining to Resolutions, Legislation, club charters and of relevant Rules of Conduct. Adopted by NCDCC on 16 Dec, 2004.
Amended Article XV by NCDCC on 17 August 2006
Amended by NCDCC to allow clubs to be of any size
Amended Article IV April 19, 2007 NCDCC
Amended Article IV November 18, 2010 NCDCC
Adopted by NCDCC on April 21, 2011
Amended Articles I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, XIII, XIV January 2014 NCDCC
Amended Article I March 2014 NCDCC
Amended Articles I, II, & III April 2014 NCDCC
Amended Articles I & XIV June 2014 NCDCC
Amended almost all articles November 2017 NCDCC
Amended Article IV January 2023
Amended Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, XI, XI, XIII May 2024