Chair's Report January 2025

It's understandable that there was standing room only at the first Nevada County Democratic Central Committee meeting since the presidential election. About forty people attended the Briar Patch Community Room to do party business.

At the meeting, new officers of the local party were elected. I remain Chair for a second term, Bob Gould is First Vice Chair, Debbie Lindh is 2nd Vice Chair, Ann Gould is Recording Secretary, and Caroline Wright is Controller.

In addition to those of us running from Nevada County to represent Democrats from Assembly District #1, each Central Committee is also allocated slots for some NCDCC central committee members to be delegates to upcoming state conventions. We elected Kathryn (Kitty) Gerwig, Heidi Hall, Carol Turner, Debbie Lindh, and Bevan Iredell. Heidi Hall was also elected to represent NCDCC on the state party executive committee.

Both the assembly delegates and the local central committee delegates attend state conventions to network with other Democrats, elect party officers, promote the California Democratic Party agenda, endorse candidates, and vote on resolutions and ballot measures. The next regular convention is in Anaheim, CA, on May 31st.


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