Columnist Shows No Understanding of Liberals/Progressives
By Shanti Emerson, As published in The Union
An op-ed published on November 16, 2023 ("Judaism and the Left" Ideas & Opinions, The Union, Terry McLaughlin), shows the depth of hatred of a Union contributor against over half of our county.
This column shows no understanding of who liberals/progressives are, and even though we’ve gotten used to her misinformation, this was an all-time low. Liberals and progressives are for peace. They have been against the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis and are equally against Hamas and its recent murderous activities. Why the writer continues to try to divide our county and why The Union continues her hostile columns is beyond my understanding.
Please remember that we were represented in the Senate for many years by two Democratic Jewish women, Boxer and Feinstein, and I’m assured that Jews would never support the MAGA party. I would invite the writer to try to clean up her own political party and to talk to her minister about the repeated vicious written attacks on the people who feel differently from her.