Navigating who and what to vote for is complex, and we want to make it easier. That’s why we are happy to share the Democratic Party's endorsements for the 2024 election.
Voting in California is easy! You can vote in person or by mail. Voting by mail includes a prepaid USPS envelope that you can drop in the mail, or choose a secure drop off location. If you are not registered to vote you can do that now, same day voting registration is also available.
Our candidate and measure endorsements are aligned with the California Democratic Party. If you don’t see an endorsement below it because the California Democratic Party has not released an endorsement in that race or for that measure.
National and State Level — Candidate Endorsements
Kamala Harris for President
Tim Walz for Vice President
Adam Schiff for U.S. Senate
Jessica Morse for U.S. Congress District 3
Position on State Propositions
Authorizes Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities.
Constitutional Right to Marriage
Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks
Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval
Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons
Raises Minimum Wage
Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property
Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers
Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services
Allows Felony Charges and Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes
Local Level — Candidate Endorsements
Bob Branstrom, Grass Valley City Council
Councilman Bob Branstrom's first term is characterized by his support of development of the city's amenities, Pioneer Park emprovements - Mill St. plaza, the new RV park, and In Concert Sierra's new performance venue as well as market rate housing projects. HIs vision is to support small businesses, maintain the economic viablity and diverse economic base of Grass Valley and make it family friendly.
Tom Ivy, Grass Valley City Council
Councilman Tom Ivy has been the prime mover behind the agreement between Grass Valley and Pioneer Energy to reduce the electricity bills of the GV city residents. He's also facilitated an agreement with the two to build a biomass plant. He was instrumental in the passing of Measure V. His focus going forward is on climate change, fire preparedness and equitable community planning.
Tim May, ncumbent, Nevada County Board of Education, Trustee, Area II
Trustee May, with over 40 years of teaching experience, is familiar with student and staff issues as well as administrative challenges. Tim has helped diffuse the stress around the Covid mandates, Critical Race Theory and other red herrings while assisting to facilititate successful long-distance learning. His priorities for the coming year are attendance issues with its subsequent financial impact and a deep commitment to having a collaborative, respectful educational community here in Nevada County.
Itara O'Connell, Trustee Area 4, NJUHSD
Itara has a Special Education credential and 20 years of experience in education as well serving as a social worker with Alta Regional Center. She will do everything possible as a Nevada Joint Union High School District board member to support student learning and accomplishment. She wants to see accurate US history and civics taught, supports the arts in the schools, a breakfast and lunch program including when school is out, and she promises to investigate current issues.
Geoffrey Nelson, Trustee Area 3, NJUHSD
Geoffrey was appointed to the Nevada Joint Union High School District board in 2023. He is the vice president of a national construction company that primarily builds hospitals and employs 100 people in California. He brings to the board significant management and fiscal experience. He has a daughter who graduated from Ghidotti and a son at NU. He focusses on reducing the number of suspensions and expulsions, funding and the declining enrollment spiral and long-range planning, and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.
Debbie Lindh, Trustee, Grass Valley School District
Debbie has 12 years of school board experience, 8 years at Colfax Elementary School District and 4 years at the Grass Valley School District and 20 years as a human resources manager. She has served on the Interest Based Bargaining Team and the Local Control and Accountability team while on the GV school board. She will continue to be an advocate for public education. She will support and monitor our LCAP ( local control and accounting plan) Goals. She will support teachers in all feasible ways as they are the important front line to student success.
Trisha Dellis, Trustee, Grass Valley School Board
Trisha has had a career in education, from teacher to superintendent. She started teaching at Cottage Hill and Sierra Mountain (now Silver Springs). She was a site principal and started Ghidotti Early College High School. She became an assistant superintendent for NJUHSD, the superintendent at Nevada City Elementary School District, and Carmel Unified School District. In these positions, she regulary worked succesfully with school boards and has a deep understanding of how districts operate and the role trustees play. Her goals include insisting that all students are treated with respect, ensuring that staff has what they need, and promoting opportunities for families to play a significant role in their children's education.
Karen Hull, Division III, Nevada Irrigation System
Karen Hull, elected to the NID board in 2020 has fulfilled her promises to help NID overhaul a broken financial management system, grow income without raising customer rates for three years, and create and implement a comprehensive "Plan for Water." NID is still facing big challenges, and as a former executive leader at UCDavis with an MBA, she has what it takes to make the right choices to protect water reliability and affordability for our future.
David Diamond, Truckee Tahoe Airport Board
David Diamond has served on the Truckee Tahoe Airport Board since 2020. He consistently works to make sure the airport benefits the entire community. Most recently, he secured $2 million for fire mitigation through the Tahoe Truckee region. Mitigation projects that were previously unfunded are now underway, under the direction of the region’s four fire districts and CalFire.
There are no endorsements in some races because either there are no Democrats in the race,
or the Democrats did not request an endorsement
Campaign Activities
We'll win by talking directly to voters, the best way to Get Out the Vote!
Canvassing: Last chance to Get Out the Vote. We will canvass every day, twice a day from Nov. 1st through Nov. 5th. Register here.
Scheduled Phone Banking: There are three opportunities every week to call voters and talk about why Jessica Morse is the most qualified candidate to represent our District in U.S. Congress
Mondays 5-8PM (Call for Jessica Morse and Porsche Middleton (AD7) - register here
Tuesdays 4-7PM (Call for Jessica Morse) - register here
You'll receive a zoom link once you register
Anytime Phone Banking: Call Nevada County voters from home any time to Get Out the Vote. You'll need a phone and a computer. Contact Karen Tricomi for instructions and a link.
Write Letters to the Editor or OP Eds: Email bobgould23@gmail.com to let him know of your interest.
Get a Jessica Morse and Harris/Walz Signs at the office! We're open from 10am - 4pm Monday through Saturday. A $15 donation helps us defray the cost of the signs.
Jessica Morse
When Jessica Morse sees a problem, she runs toward it and will not stop until it is fixed. The drive to tackle tough issues has shaped her career choices and commitment to public service.
A fifth-generation Northern Californian, Jessica’s ancestors crossed the Sierra on covered wagons and settled in the Sierra foothills. Today, Jessica and her family remain stewards of these lands, giving her a unique understanding in her job helping protect Californians from wildfire.
In 2019 Jessica was appointed Deputy Secretary for Forest and Wildland Resilience at the California Natural Resources Agency, working on the frontline of California’s wildfire crisis and fast-tracking wildfire prevention efforts. Last year, Jessica was appointed to the U.S. Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission, helping develop recommendations and strategies to reshape national wildfire policies. A true custodian of the land, Jessica has hiked 500 miles of the district on the Pacific Crest Trail.
Prior to her work on wildfire resilience, Jessica spent a decade working in national security for the US Defense Department, the US State Department, and USAID, the humanitarian branch of the State Department. This included a tour in Iraq in 2005, working side-by-side with US troops for eighteen months.
Jessica’s deep commitment to public service drove her to volunteer on the ground in Paradise, CA after the Camp Fire and to create the Fresno Farm Bridge to help struggling family farms stay in business during COVID-19.
Election Night Watch Party
When: November 5, 5-10pm
Where: Wild Eye Pub, 535 Mill St, Grass Valley, CA 95945Celebrate the election results with us at Wild Eye Pub. Wild Eye Pub is opening just for us, so please support them by purchasing food and drinks. We look forward to seeing you there!